For the second year the German Stiftung Asienhaus supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung organizes the exchange program EU-China NGO Twinning.“We are happy to work with Stiftung Asienhaus on this very timely initiative”, says Christian Hänel, Head of Department International Relations America and Asia at Robert Bosch Stiftung. The selection committee decided for the following seven Twinners:
- Arnika Association, Czech Republic & The Nature University Fund, Beijing,Exchange topic: Chemical safety, industrial pollution, chemicals in products
- CEE Bankwatch, Czech Republic & Global Environmental Institute, Beijing,Exchange Topic: Monitoring Chinese investments in Europe
- International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Germany & Beijing Farmers’ Market, Beijing,Exchange topic: Participatory Guarantee Systems
- Let’s Do It, Estonia & Wuhu Ecology Center, Anhui Province,Exchange topic: Waste management issues
- Pro Bono Lab, France & Beijing Huizeren Volunteering Development Center Exchange topic: Social Innovation and Probono Model
- Sandbag, UK & Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims (CLAPV), Beijing,Exchange topic: Emission trading schemes/carbon markets
- Save-Our-Seeds, Germany & Pesticide Eco-Alternatives Center, Yunnan Province,Exchange topic: Small-scale farming.
Click here for the press release.