Yunnan Green Development Foundation (YGF) (Kunming)
GenderCC (Germany)
Gender, urbanity and community development
Topics related to the Gender Into Urban Climate Change Initiative (GUCCI) are the ones GenderCC would like to focus on for the exchange programme, given the project’s multi-level (city, country and global level), crosscutting (gender and climate change) and the original GAMMA methodology (please see below about the project description). The exchange is thus a unique opportunity to collaborate with YGF and design further approaches based on our mutual fields of expertise, including climate and environmental protection, low-carbon urban development and community sustainable development.
About the Twinning organizations
Yunnan Green Development Foundation (YGF), (Kunming)
Yunnan Green Environment Development Foundation (YGF) is a public fundraising foundation established in 2008, mainly engaged in environmental protection.YGF officially became a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2018. Thematic and regional focuses include: 1) forests and climate change; 2) biodiversity conservation; 3) community sustainable development.
GenderCC, (Germany)
GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice is a global network of organisations, experts and activists working for gender equality, women’s rights and climate justice. GenderCC has evolved in the context of the international climate negotiations (UNFCCC). It includes women and gender experts working in policy, research and practical implementation at international, national and local levels from all world regions. GenderCC is accredited to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and UNFCCC with an emphasis on the UNFCCC process. GenderCC regularly attends UNFCCC sessions, and has initiated the Women and Gender Constituency (observer group) in 2008.