Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (Hong Kong)
WWF Wadden Sea Office (Germany)
Environmental education and awareness raising as a critical factor for long term conservation of coastal wetlands
The exchange, with a special focus on coastal birds, will provide insight into approaches of bird-related activities and rescources thus contributing to awareness raising and conservation both in the Wadden Sea and Hong Kong/China.
About the Twinning organizations

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS) was founded in 1957. It is concerned about the appreciation and conservation of birds and their habitats and is one of the oldest membership-based-nongovernmental organizations in Hong Kong. For nearly 60 years, HKBWS has been promoting bird watching and carrying out educational activities, surveys and research; HKBWS also plays a leading role in regional bird monitoring initiatives such as coordinating the International Black-faced Spoonbill Census and helping to coordinate the China Coastal Waterbird Census. It also works closely with local bird watching societies and government agencies for the conservation of several highly threatened bird species in mainland China.

The WWF Wadden Sea Office is actively involved in the Trilateral Cooperation on the Protection of the Wadden Sea, is experienced in trans-boundary and cross-sectoral cooperation – among others within the framework of Interreg projects – and represents the nature NGO-sector in various international Wadden Sea World Heritage working groups. The office building in Husum hosts a National Park Visitor Centre and is shared by several NGOs, one of which – Schutzstation Wattenmeer – is the largest regional Wadden Sea conservation NGO and a cooperation partner of WWF.
The report on the Twinning by Anja Szczesinski and Vivian Fu Wing Kan can be found here.