Yunnan Green Environment Development Foundation & GenderCC

Yunnan Green Environment Development Foundation & GenderCC

Yunnan Green Development Foundation (YGF) (Kunming) GenderCC (Germany) Gender, urbanity and community development Topics related to the Gender Into Urban Climate Change Initiative (GUCCI) are the ones GenderCC would like to focus on for the exchange programme, given...

Laotu & Waldkindergarten Eichhörnchen

Luohu Social Innovation Center (Laotu) (Shenzhen) Waldkindergarten Eichhörnchen (Germany) Environmental education for children and community development We would like to exchange on the different methods and practices of environmental education, spe-cifically forest...
New project from our 2018 Twinner organization WMCF

New project from our 2018 Twinner organization WMCF

Mangrove Conservation Foundation, one of our 2018 twinner organization, has launched a new project to set up Wetland Education Centres across China in partnership with the Wetland Conservation and Management Office of the National Forestry and Grassland...