Twinning Blog


Diary Entry: Kirsten at the AIFEN office meeting

Diary Entry: Kirsten at the AIFEN office meeting

Kirsten Reinders from Cologne has been staying in Shanghai since the beginning of August. Together with her Chinese twinning partners from 'Dinghaiqiao' and AIFEN she discusses waste reduction and waste separation, comparing Chinese and German strategies. Kirsten's...

Theater and LGBT Workshop in Chengdu

Theater and LGBT Workshop in Chengdu

Our twinner from the Netherlands, Els Schutmann (Forum Theater Enschede) only got to China recently - and already co-organized a workshop together with her Chinese partner Qian Li (Chengdu Storyteller). Alongside the participants of the workshop, most of whom work...

C20 Final Report – June 2017 throwback

C20 Final Report – June 2017 throwback

The final report on the 2017 - C20 process under German presidency in Hamburg has been published. Through the connections Stiftung Asienhaus has been able to form by participating in several of the C20 working groups, the 2017 Twinners were invited for the two day...

Guangzhou Twinner & Alumni meet-up

Guangzhou Twinner & Alumni meet-up

  An interesting development in 2017’s Twinning project was a certain cluster of participants that had formed in southern China, specifically Guangzhou. Therefore it was no real surprise that a semi-spontaneous meet-up was organized in the Guangdong metropolis....

Must read – NGO-Partnerschaften in China

Das Medienbüro Düsseldorf Beijing berichtet in seinem Newsletter über den Jahresbericht 2016 unseres NGO Twinning Programms.

International Expert Workshop

International Expert Workshop

From 15 to 16 September 2016 the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Korea (ROK) holds a Workshop on "Toward the Establishment of the UNESCO Global Center for Research and Training on Internationally Designated Areas". Round about 50 persons discussed core topics...